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Planning Board Minutes 4/11/13
Planning Board meeting minutes for Thursday April 11, 2013

Meeting called to order at 7:23 p.m.

Members present: Alan Salamon, Larry Klein, Roger Tryon, Maggie Leonard, co-chair.
Members absent: Bridget Krans, Stephen Enoch, Barry Karson

Public present: John Dinan and Harlan (Lanny) Lanoue.

Lanny wants to build a garage attached to his single-family dwelling on Sandisfield Rd. but the plans, presented by John Dinan, shows that the garage would encroach into the setback on the north side. We discussed the matter from several different angles, and ended up suggesting to Lanny that he do some kind of property swap with his abutter.

The board reviewed the solar bylaw with regard to comments from both the public at the public hearing and the ZBA members who contributed feedback.
• Restrict from lakeshore district
• Can we make a distinction about agricultural land? No
• Do we want remediation or restoration? Restoration and we want to add about removing below ground structures.
• Section E : Remove interior roadways constructed as part of the project.
• In the event of a change of ownership notify the Select Board and the Planning Board and the Board of Assessors.
• Slope requirements – covered in Site Plan Review
• Penalty for not submitting annual reports $100 per day for each day not submitted.
• Create overlay district to include Business and Ag/Res (exclude lakeshore district).
• Scenic Mtns act covered in Section G. Compliance
• Hazardous materials in excess of household waste – rejected the idea of coming up with actual quantities.
• Change 25kW limit to 30 kW
• Questions about criteria are answered in Site Plan Review
• decided on language: Maximum height of solar panel structure is 15 feet above grade.
• Decided to remove “solar photovoltaic array.”

The board briefly discussed the NFIP. We want to meet with the Building Commissioner, Don Torrico, to discuss what the effects of a floodplain bylaw would be on new construction and remodeling.

Larry Klein reported on Wired West. The State has announced that in addition to laying the Middle Mile Fiber to provide Broad Band service the Anchor Institutions in Western Ma, it will fund and start the design for Last Mile servicing homes and businesses in Western Ma.~
Respectfully Submitted,
Maggie Leonard, co-chair